- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.RSCLAASCHAMPAGNE-...132221 518 859.001 247 772.00
2.CINETIOLEBRETAGNE130643 009 446.004 307 895.90
3.JD-FARMERCHAMPAGNE-...68917 207 341.00624 120.40
4.STADERENNAISHAUTE-NORM...62010 845 929.00380 035.50
5.EARLLESOLEILMIDI-PYRÉN...49370 684 411.006 356 540.50
6.JBTRACTOR68ALSACE47640 938 420.001 666 879.50
7.ETA NICOLERHÔNE-ALPES41515 309 066.00707 367.00
8.PIT67ALSACE39017 037 800.001 166 586.00
9.AJA54LORRAINE33114 159 330.00991 153.10
10.MASEDOLERALSACE3228 479 000.00593 530.00
11.JEAN-BEUNORD30224 837 128.001 186 265.25
12.SABAUBASSE-NORM...28210 542 207.00496 150.50
13.JOSÉBOVIDÉSRHÔNE-ALPES2799 965 559.00359 384.10
14.DALIANRHÔNE-ALPES26926 718 270.002 540 287.50
15.GUIMCCORMICKBASSE-NORM...24910 952 578.001 085 663.25
16.KEV29BRETAGNE2436 260 579.00946 948.50
17.MYMY52CHAMPAGNE-...19112 828 563.00460 167.50
18.TIGROUNORD1806 698 640.00242 763.30
19.LABOUREURCHAMPAGNE-...1708 742 792.00290 095.00
20.ELV08CHAMPAGNE-...15826 262 958.001 534 816.00
21.TRACORBOURGOGNE1415 368 878.00191 472.60
22.**JULIEN**RHÔNE-ALPES1375 992 511.00213 948.75
23.FRANCISCO 14BASSE-NORM...13312 138 147.001 585 093.00
24.MORTIAQUITAINE1257 835 250.00548 467.50
25.TINODU21BOURGOGNE1218 122 200.00551 619.00

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