- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.CINETIOLEBRETAGNE126440 761 986.003 969 725.90
2.RSCLAASCHAMPAGNE-...123119 940 717.001 132 520.00
3.JD-FARMERCHAMPAGNE-...67416 681 416.00605 045.40
4.STADERENNAISHAUTE-NORM...62311 021 319.00386 398.00
5.EARLLESOLEILMIDI-PYRÉN...43064 287 280.006 092 129.50
6.ETA NICOLERHÔNE-ALPES40315 020 951.00696 482.00
7.PIT67ALSACE38516 937 200.001 159 944.00
8.JBTRACTOR68ALSACE37437 313 776.001 530 340.00
9.JOSÉBOVIDÉSRHÔNE-ALPES33911 065 659.00399 284.10
10.AJA54LORRAINE30613 887 420.00972 119.40
11.DOUBLECHEESEMIDI-PYRÉN...28618 122 483.001 204 574.00
12.MASEDOLERALSACE2627 429 000.00520 030.00
13.SABAUBASSE-NORM...25410 036 996.00475 932.25
14.DALIANRHÔNE-ALPES24925 604 310.002 414 917.50
15.GUIMCCORMICKBASSE-NORM...24810 784 188.001 079 930.25
16.KEV29BRETAGNE2486 367 306.00963 442.25
17.JEAN-BEUNORD24020 545 887.001 030 618.00
18.LABOUREURCHAMPAGNE-...1849 168 364.00305 537.00
19.TIGROUNORD1716 054 020.00219 383.30
20.ELV08CHAMPAGNE-...17027 031 458.001 587 471.00
21.**JULIEN**RHÔNE-ALPES1576 680 261.00250 698.75
22.MYMY52CHAMPAGNE-...14810 299 462.00368 994.00
23.MORTIAQUITAINE1448 180 250.00572 617.50
24.VALLEMAL1CHAMPAGNE-...14311 019 790.00750 962.50
25.TRACORBOURGOGNE1435 490 951.00195 900.60

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