- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.PIT67Alsace33982 565 110.96 t.398
2.JBTRACTOR68Alsace11171 851 837.19 t.284
3.AGRICASEIHBasse-Normandie10551 435 897.73 t.0
4.GAEC TOURNESChampagne-Ardennes10181 224 701.35 t.1
5.BENOJDBasse-Normandie960973 366.35 t.26
6.STADERENNAISHaute-Normandie7231 225 974.16 t.284
7.TIGROUNord7091 037 735.39 t.194
8.NANARD29Bretagne62853 236.86 t.8
9.SABAUBasse-Normandie602177 089.52 t.328
10.CLEM6702Alsace550589 336.20 t.59
11.CINETIOLEBretagne49034 111.87 t.2 124
12.DIMI3Champagne-Ardennes489318 155.08 t.67
13.KEV29Bretagne488253 764.40 t.437
14.TRACORBourgogne48266 577.57 t.134
15.RAGONDIN02160Picardie477406 110.23 t.56
16.TIEFFAuvergne467206 088.72 t.36
17.CALOU09Midi-Pyrénées446266 412.90 t.0
18.ETA NICOLERhône-Alpes423190 188.26 t.537
19.ARNOLDDU35Bretagne402135 716.17 t.22
20.AJA54Lorraine379586 888.42 t.143
21.CHARLIENord35991 689.17 t.19
22.DALIANRhône-Alpes354250 224.66 t.425
23.LA MIGNONNE DU 67Alsace354143 148.95 t.75
24.MYMY52Champagne-Ardennes3481 746 344.33 t.206
25.DAVADOR03Auvergne328140 447.53 t.2

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